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Intro to Improv Workshop
with Diego Romero-Aros
Take an Intro to Improv Workshop!
Join this 90-minute improv workshop to get a taste of the fun awaiting you in our 8-week Level 101 improv class!
You'll dive into key improv concepts like Yes And, spontaneity, and creative collaboration, and even try your hand at improvised scene work.
These workshops are perfect for anyone, regardless of experience level, age, or background. Whether you're looking to explore improv, boost public speaking confidence, or just have fun and meet new people, these workshops are for you.
A $30 non-refundable fee reserves your spot. You may join an intro workshop without committing to register for a full class.
We're so sure you'll love it, though, that we'll offer you a promo code that you apply when you sign up for a full class, essentially giving you a FREE WORKSHOP!
** Students will be given a promo code to use at the payment page when registering for a full 101 improv class. Please check your reminder emails. **
The Intro to Improv Workshop fee and promo codes cannot be combined with other discounts. Only one promo code per customer. Promo codes expire 5 days after the workshop – no exceptions.
Adults 18+
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds. No credits. No Exchanges. Not transferable. Please check your schedule carefully before registering.
Day: Tuesday
Date: January 28th
Time: 7PM - 8:30 PM
Room: 1976
About the Instructor:
Diego is an improviser and sketch comedian PROUDLY hailing from Wilmington, Delaware and is absolutely ecstatic to be coming on board to teach at PHIT, after having graduated from the program! As an instructor, Diego has an energetic and focused energy, with a big emphasis on exploring YOUR creativity and helping to activate your funny bone. On the weekends, you can find Diego performing with teams at various spots around Philly, and at home playing some tabletop RPGs, and would be happy to nerd out about them with anyone who feels so inclined.
What Others Say:
"It was a blast taking 101 with Diego. He gave us real advice and suggestions on ways to improve and was able to bring out the best in us. My favorite moment was the hour warm up session before our showcase where all of the students showed up nervous but Diego brought his usual fun energy and was able to get everyone feeling funny before we went on. "
"Diego cuts through the noise to really get across the main idea each class. And he does it through different ways so it’s easy to understand. The energy Diego brings to the entire room is the reason we all are excited each class."
"Diego's natural dedication, passion for, and talent in improv made it not only an inspiring class to go to, but Diego's ability to break down skills into lesson blocks and let them build onto each other made me quickly realize that improv is not as 'easy' as it looks. The coolest part was learning just how much technique and technical skill goes into making an improv scene work. And it happens that these things translate into interpersonal relating and self-awareness in general."
Intro to Improv Workshop
with Devin Preston
Take an Intro to Improv Workshop!
Join this 90-minute improv workshop to get a taste of the fun awaiting you in our 8-week Level 101 improv class!
You'll dive into key improv concepts like Yes And, spontaneity, and creative collaboration, and even try your hand at improvised scene work.
These workshops are perfect for anyone, regardless of experience level, age, or background. Whether you're looking to explore improv, boost public speaking confidence, or just have fun and meet new people, these workshops are for you.
A $30 non-refundable fee reserves your spot. You may join an intro workshop without committing to register for a full class.
We're so sure you'll love it, though, that we'll offer you a promo code that you apply when you sign up for a full class, essentially giving you a FREE WORKSHOP!
** Students will be given a promo code to use at the payment page when registering for a full 101 improv class. Please check your reminder emails. **
The Intro to Improv Workshop fee and promo codes cannot be combined with other discounts. Only one promo code per customer. Promo codes expire 5 days after the workshop – no exceptions.
Adults 18+
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds. No credits. No Exchanges. Not transferable. Please check your schedule carefully before registering.
Day: Thursday
Date: January 30th
Time: 7PM - 8:30 PM
Room: 1976
About the Instructor:
Devin is an actor and deviser based in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of the University of the Arts / Pig Iron Devised Performance Program. Devin grew up in Alaska, studied Physics at Notre Dame, built data centers in Des Moines, and somehow wound up at clown school.
What Others Say:
"Devin is a great teacher! He made class comfortable, fun, and challenging!"
"Devin brings so much richness and intention into his curriculum...I most valued his ability to meet people of different skill levels where they're at with appropriately challenging insights and guidance."
"Devin will challenge you in class, and give you the focus to improve. He knows that being funny and being not funny are both on the path to improving."
"Made class a lot of fun AND I've been learning a lot! I appreciate his direct feedback!"
"Devin is the best. Practices great safety tools/fences, and really encourages us to explore our own ideas and be ourselves."
"Devin was high energy, which is great for Monday evenings! His pointers/critiques are delivered in a sweet way that leaves everybody eager to improve without any demotivation."
"Take the class. It is going to become the day you will look forward to the most every week and will only enrich this unique life of yours."
"He made the class fun by the constant encouragement to have fun, play and keep it positive. He delivered feedback in a helpful manner."
Improv 101 INTENSIVE
with Dom Arp
Intro to Improv: Your HAROLD training starts here!
In this FOUR WEEK INTENSIVE you will start learning basic improv and performance skills, practicing concepts like making your partner look good, “Yes, and..”, creating mimed objects and environments, establishing relationships, and holding on to an emotional point of view. Finally you start to apply these skills to make up short scenes with a partner.
Meets twice a week for two hours each meeting.
Prerequisites: None! Students must be able to commit to attend twice a week for four weeks to meet the requirements of the full 101 curriculum. Attendace at the last class is required to participate in the showcase.
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register.
Dates: Feb 4, Feb 6, Feb 11, Feb 13, Feb 18, Feb 20, Feb 25, Feb 27
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM
Make-up/Practice Date: March 4
Showcase Date/Time: Saturday March 8th. Block 1 10:30 AM -12:30PM
Class Room: 1976
Theater Location:Hamilton Family Arts Center 62 N 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
Dominick “Dom” Arp (he/him) has been an improviser in the Philly community for over 10 years. He has experience as an improv teacher at a number of institutions including Drexel University, the Franklin Institute, and the Philly Improv Theater. He is the president of the Philadelphia Improv Social Club and a Co-founder of SideQuest Theater. Having additionally trained in public speaking, theater, & business administration, he is passionate about the power of combining theory, theatrics, and policy in order to grow the Philly improv community.
What Others Say:
"Dom always had an upbeat generous attitude"
"Dom is great! He has the perfect balance of theory and practice. I feel like I learn so much while also having a ton of fun."
"Dom has an incredible approach and exudes positivity while giving clear feedback!"
"Dom gave great, specific feedback and created a warm and supportive environment. "
Improv 101
with - TBD
Intro to Improv: Your HAROLD training starts here!
You will start learning basic improv and performance skills, practicing concepts like making your partner look good, “Yes, and..”, creating mimed objects and environments, establishing relationships, and holding on to an emotional point of view. Finally you start to apply these skills to make up short scenes with a partner. Meets once a week for eight weeks.
Prerequisites: None!
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register. All classes must be paid in full before the first class meeting.
Dates: Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00pm
Make-Up/Practice Day: May 11
ShowCase: TBD - weekend of May 16 -18
Room: TBD
Theater Location: Hamilton Family Arts Center 62 N 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
What Others Say
Improv 201
with - TBD
Intermediate Improv: Scene work
You continue to build on the skills learned in 101 as you progress toward performing HAROLD. Learn how to listen for, and heighten ideas, create 2nd beats, and use simple edits while continuing to create mimed objects and environment, clear character relationships, strong points of view, and close ensemble work. Meets once a week for eight weeks.
Prerequisites: PHIT Improv 101 or permission from the Education Director.
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register. All classes must be paid in full before the first class meeting.
Dates: Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30,Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00pm
Make-Up/Practice Day: May 11
ShowCase: TBD - weekend of May 16-18
Room: TBD
Theater Location: Hamilton Family Arts Center 62 N 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
What others Say:
Improv 301
with - TBD
Intermediate-Advanced Improv: Ensemble Play, Pattern Recognition, Group Games. You are well on your way to performing a HAROLD.
This level shifts focus from the paired scenes of 101 and 201 to working collaboratively as a full ensemble. As a group, you’ll begin to recognize patterns and develop the ability to initiate and participate in spontaneous group games, similar to those used in HAROLD and other long-form formats.
The class emphasizes ensemble work, allowing you to explore how improvisers can create and support each other in a more unified and playful way. Along the way, expect to have fun while receiving more specific, individualized feedback and side coaching to help you grow as a performer.
Meets once a week for eight weeks.
Prerequisites: PHIT level 201 or permission of the Education Director
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register. All classes must be paid in full before the first class meeting.
Dates: Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4
Time: 1 PM - 3 PM
Make-Up/Practice Day: May 11
ShowCase: TBD - weekend of May 16-18
Room: TBD
Theater Location: Hamilton Family Arts Center 62 N 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
What others Say:
with - TBD
Introduction to Acting: In this class, you will explore basic acting skills fundamental to performance. Some concepts to be examined are action, objectives, tactics, and simple script analysis. This class will conclude with a twenty minute presentation of monologues or scenes at the discretion of the instructor. Independent viewing of live theatrical performances in the Philadelphia region, with in class discussion will be required.
Meets once a week in person for 8 weeks.
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register. All classes must be paid in full before the first class meeting.
Prerequisites: None!
Dates: Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, May 5
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Make-up/Practice day: May 12
Graduation Show Date/Time: TBD weekend of May 17 -18
Class Location: TBD
Theater Location: Hamilton Family Arts Center. 62 N. 2nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
What others Say:
Improv 101
with - TBD
Intro to Improv: Your HAROLD training starts here!
You will start learning basic improv and performance skills, practicing concepts like making your partner look good, “Yes, and..”, creating mimed objects and environments, establishing relationships, and holding on to an emotional point of view. Finally you start to apply these skills to make up short scenes with a partner. Meets once a week for eight weeks.
Prerequisites: None!
Adults 18+
Please note: All sales are final. No refunds. No credit for future sessions. No transfers. Please consider your schedule carefully before you register. All classes must be paid in full before the first class meeting.
Dates: Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, May 5
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00pm
Make-Up/Practice Day: May 12
ShowCase: TBD - weekend of May 16-18
Room: TBD
Theater Location: Hamilton Family Arts Center 62 N 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
About the Instructor:
What Others Say: